Whenever I get a chance to have more in-depth and personal talks with people, I'm likely t...
I once spoke to a friend regarding posting personal stuff online. When I mentioned I poste...
Living is all about memory. Honestly. Everything you are (to yourself) is your memory. The...
As the exams draw closer, I find myself doing more productive things... that have nothing ...
There are two ways to stop obsessive gaming. One is to quit the game entirely through some...
There are many things I like about being here and one of them is that my nose never gets r...
It's been really a busy year.... 2013, and I guess I've kinda given up on blogging. Each p...
It's kinda interesting... With more brain activity during the day, I seem to be having mor...
Well, maybe the last post was too early I guess. It's wk6 now (our weeks start on a Thursd...
Well, I haven't been posting at all recently... Wonder if anyone noticed that. Apart from ...
I've ever told a few people about this before, but I thought I should throw it out here. T...
Watching Live Stream makes me feel so far.... just too far.... away from the rest of my fr...
Ah, it's really nice to cycle back in the cold night with other friends after another CUAM...
It's truly wonderful, the things one can do here. I've just woken up from one of my longer...
One of the reasons I started this blog was to hammer down my philosophies, regarding dream...
The tropics is hot all year round, and when I mean hot I mean it's typically 32-35 during ...
Now that I've been here a week (and somewhat fixed the RSS feed updater. I must say I don'...
I've been holding back my blogposts since the RSS feed updater seems to be giving a little...
A big thank you to my fellow bloggers: The Wull, JK, and Demel, for inviting me to their g...
Well, I've entered that season again. Where I'm so busy, that I have to sacrifice some stu...
You know, how those songs you used to listen to when young bring back the memories of your...
It is one thing to see that the situation you're in is bad, and possibly getting worse, bu...
Ok, I don't actually know whether to be happy... or to be sad for myself, but well... my d...
Haha, well, after naturally rising one day to 7.05, and then dropping, the very next day t...
Now, having fully recovered from the ordeal/enjoyment on Tuesday night, I shall hammer dow...