I just crossed the 1,000 hour mark in terms of total time spent on watching anime since Au...
The journey back was uneventful, and we did stop at the same stop we stoppe...
Trust Malaysia to do an AFA...
Firstly, I know it isn't very nice, bu...
I've been so busy that only after a week+ I'm actually able to blog about t...
Ok, I don't actually know whether to be happy... or to be sad for myself, but well... my d...
...for me that is.</p><p>I imagine if I do go back in time to just before 2011, and told m...
After a total of 31 hours (2.5+14.5+14) of awesomeness, my arms are aching so bad I have t...
First, a personal note here that I should really update my scripts to force UTF-8 s...