If you haven't realised, it's probably time that you do: Software across the years are get...
Well, I've entered that season again. Where I'm so busy, that I have to sacrifice some stu...
It's so difficult. Stop practicing on a skill, and you start to lose it. Start practicing,...
It's not the same. Aircon always makes you feel uncomfortable even though a room thermomet...
These rag and bone men who make too much noise.I live in a pretty quiet neighbourhood, she...
Got posted back to infantry... of all horrors. Still, it's not too bad since we're already...
Throughout the past two years, I've been thinking, "Let's put this for the holidays or the...
A great ending to a great chapter of life! The news should be passing through the editors ...
After 1 year, I return to MapleStory only to discover the GFA index is up by 100%, i.e. in...
Yea well, I didn't really start revision till now. And going through the mid-year's chem p...
It's really too sad. So sad...All the effort put in. 5 months since it was conceptualised....
Last stretch of secondary education. Now's a pretty big leap to the next step, not so much...
Well, so seeing that Frankenstein has already declared his loss of marks to the world, I m...
*Sigh* It's been really hectic lately, and it started to climb ever since the choir camp, a...