
To Be Thankful Once Again

Yes. Today went exactly as I hoped for, and I cannot be happier for how everything turned out. Praise to the Lord once again!

I'm bad at long distance running basically. 2.4km run, missed the cut for silver by 19 seconds the previous round. Overall, my physique is enough to earn me a silver with those points, but I fail to meet the other criterion, which is a "D" grade in every station. Without it sees me entering my Basic Military Training an extra 4 weeks earlier, which takes alot of precious time from that crucial moment of my life � University and Scholarship Applications.

So yes, a retake was in order which I anxiously contacted my PE teacher some time last week, and thankfully, not all have been set in stone. I did the retake today. Originally, it was arranged for evening because the midday sun would be too scorching normally to attempt such a feat. However, my wish was granted, and it was cloudy with a slight drizzle during my normal PE lesson, and so I managed to retake.

Made it by just 1.12 seconds. I was practically on the verge of collapsing, or at least I think... Damn, I really need to train up. Most importantly though, besides the weather, without my two friends Huhx aka dN/dY and Demel who ran with me through the last two rounds and really egged me on, I don't think I would have been able to make it. I'm truly thankful. Indeed, we always must be there to help each other.

This event alone has stopped a small domino reaction, and probably a larger one from happening. The small one being that after that run, I could traverse to the "South Korea" side to engage in a game of badminton, and after school, join two of my friends in preparing for IOC, and then buying a gift for a friend. None of these would have been remotely possible if I did not complete my 2.4km run during the normal scheduled PE lesson.

As for the larger domino reaction, I have no idea how far that chain would lead. All I know is that I have saved 4 weeks of my life and returned it back to myself, and I am thankful for that.

22:45 27 Jul 2009