
Green Laser

Well, my green laser arrived some time last week, and I have managed to give it a few tests or so. It's rated at 50mW, i.e. 50x the normal laser pointer power, plus it's green, so that means it is much brighter than the red ones that most people would have.

Now I finally have a laser of which I can see the beam at night. I can't seem to take pictures of the beam though, looks like the camera is not as sensitive as the eyes to 532nm wavelength. One thing interesting about lasers with a power like this or higher, is that you can shine it into the sky and somehow or another, the beam will travel a certain distance and stop there. Just like a very long and thin light saber! I also have a red laser pointer that's slightly more powerful than normal pointers (5mw, or 5x normal pointers), and the picture below shows how it pales in comparison with the 50mW laser which can dimly light up a room if shone on to a white surface.
Green laser (50mW), against red laser (5mW)

15:10 28 Feb 2009