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LevyXD - Guestbook

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We have 109 entries displayed on 11 pages.
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Submitted by Comments:
Name: Stranger
From: Singapore
Well done on the maplestory mp3 downloads! Have been looking to download them for ages.
Added: 11 August, 2013 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: NNW
From: Singapore
There is a problem with the Forgotten Path of Time (Deeper) scoresheet. I think you have accidentally multiplied the entire song, so that it consists of 6 pages. There are supposed to be 3 pages. U O ME 3 PCS OF PAYPAR! (Just kidding, I'll throw those in the recycling bin, or give them to my neighbours) Hope you can rectify the problem soon! Think of all those trees wasted...
Added: 27 February, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Submitted by Comments:
Name: NNW
From: Singapore
Hi again. I just wanted to inform you that there is a grammar error in your site. "Maplestory stuffs"? "Stuff" is already plural. (I learnt that in English Lesson :P)
Added: 22 February, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Felix
From: Singapore
Added: 18 December, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Levy
From: Singapore
Well, the correction was actually for fun, so that it reflects my website's name. So if you're saying my actual name, it gets changed to Levy. I guess I should take it out haha.

Anyway, those files are uploaded on to my msn workspace yes, but NOT ALL of them are there, so yea, it'll take me some time to get them all. I've also stopped transcribing for a long while because I don't have extended lengths of free time. (It takes at least 4 hours of continuous work to get everything right for one piece. It can go up to 8 hours for orchestral scores.)
Added: 16 December, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: ++NNW++
From: Singapore
Aha! another problem in the spellcheck.
L.E.V.I.N not Levy.
|evin (test 2)
L-E-V-I-N (test 3)
L*E*V*I*N's Msn workspace.
^ If all these fails, just go lith harbor and- you'll figure it out.^
>>Does every wrong word get corrected to "Levy"?
Added: 14 December, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: ++NNW++
From: Singapore
Wow Thx a lot. Anyways, I 'just' found out that in "Lith Harbor", you go to Levy's Msn workspace, right? From there, you can access all the other songs- even when they aren't hosted by Filefront!

>>If it says "...Found out that Levy "Lith Harbor", you go to..." The spellchecker's having problems again.
How's progress on "Welcome to maplestory"?
Added: 14 December, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Levy
From: Singapore
Thanks for highlighting the problem. I have re-uploaded specifically the PDF pack so you can download. I am currently in the midst of a busy period, so I'll rectify the minor errors later.
If anyone spots anymore problems, please feel free to highlight it. Leave your email in the email field when signing the guestbook. That way I can update you when I have corrected the errors. Only I will be able to see the email, so do not worry about getting spammed.
I also apologise about the auto spell correction that causes you to use the word "Levy" when unintended. I have rectified this problem by updating the filters.
Added: 6 December, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: ++NNW++
From: Singapore
Ok, sorry for triple posting, but the word LEVY is actually Levy

(You can delete my last post)
Added: 12 November, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: ++NNW++
From: Singapore
Oops, sorry for the typo. I meant "A few of the scoresheets have the error (-1) Levy them"
Added: 12 November, 2010 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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